X-Station is a smart, simple and secure platform that will transform the way your business captures, manages and integrates your field based data. The platform is a customizable system that allows users to digitally enable forms and uses input devices such as mobile phones, Digital Pens and tablets to process these forms as images and converted data, which can then be exported or integrated into existing systems.
X-Station facilitates simple, fast data collection and transmission from the field. Browser-based management control of forms using the Xcallibre Forms Portal (X-Portal), provides secure/limited, effective data handling and reporting.Enhanced mobile based computing functionality, including GPS, barcode, fingerprint scanning and photo upload, validation and simple messaging enables the organization to inform its users and to communicate cost-effectively with them. The platform provides a customer with a total end to end Forms capture, transfer, storage, document management and reporting solution which is fully customizable and can be hosted both within an organization or on a secure cloud. The digital forms and mobility solution allow users to submit forms to a back-office system in less than 10 seconds.

1. X-Portal
This is a web portal applicatioon that is the main user interface for X-Station. It is built using the stable and robust Microsoft.NET framework and can be customized based on a client’s requirements as a Document Management, Reporting, Business Intelligence and Workflow Tool. It contains amongst others, the following functionality:
Viewing/editing of submitted forms and data
Viewing submitted attachments such as Photos, Barcodes, Fingerprints, and many other file types that can be attached to forms
User Management and Configuration – This module controls user accounts and secure access to the X-Station Forms Portal website. The repository information is either stored in a database or uses active directory security integration. This login and access control is fully SOX compliant. There are currently 5 levels of security, however every module, page, menu, report and search are controlled to which group, role or user has access to it. X-Portal is setup with https protocols, security certificates and authentication. Full logging with timestamps is available for user logins, user activity, form changes, etc.
Workflow Management and Configuration – This module allows a user to configure the workflow that a submitted form will encounter when it arrives in the system. The workflow trigger can be a specific pen serial or device or the location to which a digital pen or device is allocated. The user then creates hierarchies (steps) in the workflow and then allocates groups and eventually system users to these groups. There is no limit to the number of steps, groups or users.
Automated alert triggers (SMS, Email) – The system contains a configurable wizard driven interface to setup automated system alerts which will trigger user-defined email and sms templates. Here users can choose the trigger as a form being received or after workflow step is complete. Triggers can also be completion of one or more form fields. A popular use of this feature is where forms received via the system are automatically exported as email attachments (image/pdf and data) to specific email addresses based on capture device or workflow rules. This could be used for example to automatically send pdf of form to clients and/or generate automated templates and send to clients. Further uses include where an email/sms can be generated and sent to a manager if a form is not verified within a specified time or information is missing from a file.
Spacial mapping of forms using the GPS coordinates – The GIS servers are used to store submitted GIS coordinates and geo-referenced sketches as well as to allow users to query, manipulate and view this data using Google/Bing Maps and ESRI ArcGIS server browser-based applications.
Detailed Reports and Dashboards – SQL server reporting services will be used to build custom and cube reports. Active reports are also used for standard reporting and dashboards and export formats. Clients can use a browser-based interface to customize report views if required. Reports also contain graphs/charts which are also customizable. Over 36 reports available currently showing detailed user actvi-ty, summary and device activity, dynamic form data, etc. Other customized reports and BI dashboards can be added based on client specific functionality. All reports are available to export in pdf, excel, xml, text, image, etc. Reports also contain cumulative filters before generation to filter by device/user, date ranges, locations, etc.
Advanced Search capabilities – Basic, wildcard and advanced cumulative searches are available that allow index searching as well as field searches, whole form wildcard searches, date range, locations, user/device searches, etc.
Data / Form Exports and System Integration features (bi-directional) – Custom bi-directional system integration is undertaken for most clients; however, database level/web-service and proprietary system integration are also possible. Plugins are available for most enterprise systems such as Microsoft Sharepoint, Documentum, SAP, Oracle Financials, etc. A wizard-based integration portal is available to allow users to configure per form the specific integration requirements. Users can choose from triggers for integration based on immediate form receipt or workflow dependent (e.g, after form is verified). Integration options are available for ftp, email, xml web-services, soap, APIs, etc.
2. X -Design
This module allows for designing and creating forms for capture using digital pens and/or X-Forms tablet/smartphone capture. It allows a user to specify the layout of the form and generate a form PDF. Existing forms in electronic format such as pdf, excel, ms word documents, etc can also be imported and used. The user would then use the tool to add the input boxes or areas and add related box attributes.
3. Wizard
This wizard automates the creation of the portal database and metadata, including creation of digital pen print files. The portal and database names can be specified, and the colours, logos and banners in use on X-Portal can be specified. Forms can be named and hierarchies or categories for forms can be created.

3. X-Paper
This module is used to assign the Neo Ncode™ to forms and generate master print files. The Neo Ncode™ on each printed form and its pages, is unique, just like a fingerprint or unique barcode so that each form can be kept separately from another.

5. X -Forms
The mobile capture application X-Forms supports online and wizard driven capture directly onto forms using the keyboard from any Android, IOS and Windows Smartphone, Tablet or Desktop/Laptop device. Forms/wizards can be designed and then uploaded to the device for form or wizard driven capture. Validation can be set including prompts to fields, and drop downs. Once data is captured the system supports photo, barcode, fingerprint and GPS attach, before data is sent over the cellular network to the X-Station servers and database.
6. Digital Pen
A Digital pen writes like a normal ball point pen, and is used with normal paper forms over any size, overprinted with a feint microscopic of dots (dot ), which is barely visible to the human eye. Alongside the ink cartridge, each digital pen contains an infrared camera, processor, flash memory, Bluetooth and rechargeable battery. As you write, the built-in optic lens automatically takes digital snapshots of the Neo Ncode™ at a rate of between 50 and 100 images per second. Every snapshot contains enough data to enable the pen’s image microprocessor to determine the exact position of the digital pen, and to capture everything it writes or draws.
Digital pens can typically store up to 100 pages of A4 text, sufficient for the electronic data capture requirements of most businesses. They have a lithium ion battery just like a mobile phone and are recharge-able. Each charge lasts the average user approximately 1 week of usage.

7. Digital Pen Form
The Digital Pen form contains the Neo Ncode™ for capturing hand written strokes or drawings. Each tiny area of the has a unique combination with different reference positions. When the user writes on the surface, the digital pen captures information about what the user writes and where, by registering the near the pen tip. The information is saved in the pen electronically and is immediately ready to be sent or downloaded as digital data. The also enables different parts of the paper to be assigned different functions such as predefining various parts of a form.
8. X-Router
X-Router is an Android / iOS App that automates the process of receiving files from the Digital Pen. When the digital pen is connected via Bluetooth to the Smartphone/Tablet the X-Router App downloads all the data from the pen and transfers the data with photo and GPS attached over the mobile network for processing to X-Portal. X-Router has the following features:
• Provides notifications of successful send or failure
• Automatic resend of forms if failed
• Allows attaching of images/photos using the device camera
• Allows validation of form fields on your phone
• Allows to send the GPS location using the device GPS
• Scanning and transmission of barcodes

9. X-PcRouter
X-X-PcRouter is a Windows App that automates the process of receiving files from the Digital Pen. When the digital pen is connected to the PC/laptop via USB the X-PcRouter App down-loads all the data from the pen and transfers the data over the computer’s network for processing to X-Portal. X-PcRouter has the following features:
• Provides notifications of successful send or failure
• Automatic resend of forms if failed
• Allows pen settings to be changed
How Does X-Station Work?

Step 1: X-Design – The form is designed, configured and validation is added for fields if required.
Step 2: X-Wizard – The portal database and metadata is created.
Step 3: X-Paper – The digital pen dot is assigned to forms and master print files are generated.
Step 4: X-Portal User Management – The user is created and the form is assigned to the user.
Step 5: X-Portal Workflow Management – Workflow steps for the form are configured (Edit, Management Approval, etc).
Step 6a: X-Forms – The user logs in to the App.
Step 6b: Digital Pen – The user switches the pen on.
Step 7a: X-Forms – The user completes the form and adds any attachments.
Step 7b: Digital Pen – The user completes the form.
Step 8a: X-Forms – The user submits the form with attachments.
Step 8b: Digital Pen – The user submits the form via X-PcRouter or via X-Router with attachments.
Step 9: X-Portal Task Inbox – The form can be viewed/edited/exported.
Step 10: X-Portal Reporting and Dashboards – Various reports can be viewed.
Customer Use Cases