What Is X-Forms?

X-Forms is a smart, simple and secure app that will transform the way your business captures, manages and integrates data from the field. X-Forms supports online and wizard driven capture directly onto forms using the keyboard from any Android, IOS and Windows Smartphone, Tablet or Desktop/Laptop device. Forms/wizards can be designed and then uploaded to the device for form or wizard driven capture. Validation can be set including prompts to fields, and drop downs. Once data is captured the system supports photo, barcode, fingerprint and GPS attach, before data is sent over the cellular network to the X-Station servers and database. Millions of people working in the field are faced with the same challenge – They need to capture real-time data quickly and accurately, and get it back to base fast. X-Forms can do this effortlessly and also comes packed with robust features to make real-time data capture a reality for any organization.

How Does X-Forms Work?

X-Forms is a component of Xcallibre’s X-Station product, which is a total end to end Forms capture, transfer, storage, document management and reporting solution. So, in order to use X-Forms, some configuration is required on X-Station, as described in this diagram.


Step 1: X-Design – The form is designed, configured and validation is added for fields if required.

Step 2: X-Wizard – The portal database and metadata is created.

Step 3: X-Portal User Management – The user is created and the form is assigned to the user.

Step 4: X-Portal Workflow Management – Workflow steps for the form are configured (Edit, Management Approval, etc).

Step 5: X-Forms – The user logs in to the App.

Step 6: X-Forms – The user completes the form and adds any attachments.

Step 7: X-Forms – The user submits the form with attachments.

Step 8: X-Portal Task Inbox – The form can be viewed/edited/exported.

Step 9: X-Portal Reporting and Dashboards – Various reports can be viewed.

Features and Functionality Explained

1. Secure login to authenticate user / device and download forms

The Login landing page is secured via HTTPS protocols with complex passwords and encryption. Secure certificates can also be added. All data transferred between the app and X-Station is encrypted with 128-bit encryption. Each user / device can be uniquely identified allowing specific forms and data to be assigned on a per user basis.

2. Supports real-time online or offline capture of forms

Forms can be captured in real-time with an active internet connection or offline if there is no internet connectivity and can be saved for uploading later.

3. Supports on device field validation, lookups, skip steps and calculations

Field Validation can be setup for fields with a specific length or format, e.g. ID and phone numbers, etc. Lookup (drop-down) lists can be configured for fields in which a predefined set of information must be filled in e.g. Countries, product types, etc. Calculations and comparisons can be performed on fields based on the time that they were filled out, and arithmetic operations (totals, averages, etc) can be performed on fields that contain numerical data. Skip Steps which allows the skipping of sections on a form. Based on the answer to a specific question, other questions can then be greyed out and skip you to the next relevant question.

4. Supports form/field pre-population

Forms/fields can be pre-populated with data from an existing database, making form completion easier, faster and more efficient. An example of this is where a form has prepopulated customer or delivery information on it.

5. Supports Navigation to Point and Route Planning and Optimisation

If your pre-populated data contains GPS locations for forms to be completed, X-Forms is able to display locations on a map, and allow you to navigate easily to each location using the best possible route, by utilizing the device’s existing Navigation and Map Apps, eg Google Maps, etc.

6|7|8|9. Supports attachments (Photos, GPS, Fingerprints, Images and Barcode Scanning with AI and OCR)

GPS Coordinates (using the device’s onboard GPS receiver) can be attached to forms. Up to 10 Photos and fingerprints (if a compatible fingerprint reader is connected) can also be attached. Barcodes and images can also be scanned with Artificial Intelligence (AI) being used to detect image types or contents and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for recognizing text within images. Forms and attachments are uploaded using the device’s internet connection.

10. Integration with X-Station Forms Platform

X-Forms is fully integrated with Xcallibre’s X-Station Platform, which allows you to setup all the features and functionality contained within the App, such as Forms Setup and Design, User/Device Management, Pre-population and Attachments, etc.